We use a person- centred approach and evidence based practice
Wellcare Homes Supported Living Services is specifically for adults, where the following services are offered:
All staff are either trained or achieving recognised national training awards in Health and Social Care
Therapeutic support by a qualified psychotherapist if required as per service users' needs
Day-to-day support to promote independence
Providing regular monitoring and evaluatory reports against the targets and outcomes set.
A structured day ensuring that the service user attends all appointments, and that they participate in independent living skills, life skills and social skills. This include daily activities and outings.
Maintaining boundaries of Wellcare Homes Supported Living Services / respecting the local community.
Key work sessions / one to one discussion’s readily linked back to care planning targets and outcomes
Staff working closely, with the service users, are appropriately, matched to maximise the quality, continuity and purposefulness of contact time.
Person-centred care with thorough care planning assessments